Home of the Panthers
Together as a neighborhood school, we believe that it is the job of the teachers, students, families, and community to educate the whole child. We believe children learn and grow through productive struggle and perseverance. We will maintain high expectations by praising effort balanced with compassion, encouragement, and empath in a s support environment. It is our mission to learn, improve, and grow!
Upcoming Events
News & Announcements
Second grade students were invited to participate in a Cooking Class as part of EMC’s clubs. Teachers worked with students to make smoothies and healthy snack mix.
Use the Read More link below for weekly news from E.M.C. Elementary...
E.M.C. has exciting opportunity with Girls on the Run for third, fourth, and fifth grade girls! Please see the Girls on the Run flyer for more information and to sign up!
Souderton Area Community Education's Winter/Spring 2025 Evening School offerings are available online. This semester, we will be featuring many new programs, along with some old favorites. Our programs this year will include...
The 2025-2026 School Year Calendar has been approved by the Board of School Directors. A PDF of the calendar is available at the About SASD > Calendars > 2025-2026 School Year Calendar link.
Use the Read More link below for weekly news from E.M.C. Elementary...
E.M.C. Elementary School's winter concert from December 18th, 2024 can be viewed on SATV. Enjoy the sounds of the season!
Use the Read More link below for weekly news from E.M.C. Elementary...
Use the Read More link below for weekly news from E.M.C. Elementary...
Use the Read More link below for weekly news from E.M.C. Elementary...
Wow, November is flying by! Next week is Thanksgiving Break already! We hope you enjoy your time with family and friends. We are thankful for you! Here are a few reminders and upcoming events...
Here are a few reminders and upcoming events in November...
We hope you are having a great week! Here are a few reminders and upcoming events...
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
Use the link below to provide your information for E.M.C.'s family director and/or sign up to volunteer at our school:
In preparation for each student's use of a 1-to-1 device in the 2024-2025 school year, parents/guardians must please complete the Mobile Device Use Agreement and pay the device protection fee. Please see the Read More link below for details....
Five of the books that an elementary student reads in the summer can count toward their goal of reading 25 – 30 books in the next school year. In order to meet the standard for proficient readers, students need to read at least 25 books each year. See the Elementary Summer Reading List for Students Entering 1st through 5th Grade in 2024-2025.
Below is a link to the Indian Crest Transitioner Newsletter Volume 1. The newsletter contains information about transitioning to Indian Crest Middle School. Please contact any administrator or school counselor with any questions you may have anytime throughout the transition.
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
With the end of the school year quickly approaching, we would like to share stories and success from around the District! See the Spring Newsletter 2024 (PDF)!
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
Please use the following link for information from the 5th to 6th Grade Parent Town Hall Meeting held on April 16th, 2024:
Please call the Indian Crest main office with any questions at 215-723-9193.
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
Please see the link below for the third edition of E.M.C.'s monthly newsletter, the Panther Press:
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
Please see the link below for the third edition of E.M.C.'s monthly newsletter, the Panther Press:
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
Please see the link below for the third edition of E.M.C.'s monthly newsletter, the Panther Press:
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
Please see the link below for the third edition of E.M.C.'s monthly newsletter, the Panther Press:
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
Please see the link below for the second edition of E.M.C.'s monthly newsletter, the Panther Press:
Please see the link below for the November edition of E.M.C.'s monthly newsletter, the Panther Press:
Souderton Area School District is excited to share with you on Instagram! Follow us @SoudertonSD to see the great things happening in our community where character counts!
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
We are looking for parents to volunteer to help in the cafeteria and/or the playground for the first few weeks of school. Next week when you know your child’s teacher and homeroom number, we will send a Sign-up Genius to Kindergarten and Grade 1 parents; please consider signing up! See our basic cafeteria and playground rules.
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
Please see some important information regarding dates and links...
Please use the following link for the suggested supply lists for 2023-2024.
E.M.C. Elementary School's spring concert from May 15th, 2023 can be viewed on SATV. Enjoy the performance!
As part of our commitment to student safety, Souderton Area School District is excited to announce the launch of a new school bus safety program called BusPatrol. The BusPatrol program will help make the ride to and from school safer for all students by curbing dangerous driving...
Looking for ways to get school news? Want information about prior and upcoming events? Thinking about volunteering? You are in luck! Please read the attached newsletter, "EMC News and Happenings" for February 2022 (PDF), from our principal, Tamara Ferlick. More to come!
SACE invites you to enjoy classes, trips, and more this winter/spring 2023! See the winter/spring brochure. Register online today!
Souderton Area School District winter concerts from November and December 2022 are now available to watch and share...
Mother Nature’s autumn show has been incredibly vibrant this year, setting the backdrop for what’s been an exciting and busy season in the Souderton Area School District. Here’s a look at...
E.M.C. hosted author and illustrator Jarrett Lerner. Jarrett is the author of the popular book series Enginerds, Geeger the Robot, and Hunger Heroes. Jarrett Lerner has also created many activities that inspire kids' creativity, such as...
In preparation for the 2022-2023 school year, all student accounts and devices are refreshed. Please see the important information below regarding passwords and 1-to-1 equipment.
Souderton Area School District is happy to welcome full-day kindergarten students beginning in the 2022-2023 school year! Full day kindergarten gives...
As the new school year begins, please familiarize yourself with the traffic (arrival/dismissal) pattern at our school! There is a map included as a visual. Thank you for helping keep our students as safe at arrival and dismissal!
Our Mission
The Mission of the Souderton Area School District is to prepare students to demonstrate competencies needed to contribute and to succeed in a changing world by building on a commitment to excellence and innovation, by working in partnership with family and community, and by assuring a quality education for all students in a safe and nurturing environment.