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Weekly News - February 20th, 2024

Please see some important information regarding dates and links:

  1. February’s Schoolwide Fact Challenge is ENDING SOON! Encourage your child to complete their addition and subtraction GYMS in First In Math!  Many of our students in Grade 1-2 have completed the addition and subtraction gyms and have moved to the multiplication and division gyms! Grade 3-5, keep working, your goal is to complete the addition and subtraction gyms by the end of Febrauary! Parents, thank you for encouraging their fact practice at home!  Just 10-15 mins a day is helpful! 
  2. FIM Classroom of the Month!: Which classroom will earn the most stickers for the month of February? Prizes will be given to the Classroom of the Month!
  3. Bean Bag Cereal Box Donation: - February 1-22nd. THANK YOU to those parents/students who have donated already! This is wonderful. We would love for every student to donate a box of cereal for our Bean Bag Food Drive. As a school, we will do some fun collection activities with all the cereal boxes we receive, like math problems, and a large schoolwide cereal train with a “domino” run. Then we will deliver the cereal boxes to Zion Church for their Bean Bag distribution!  PLEASE DONATE!
  4. Home and School Dr. Seuss Night: Thursday, March 7 6:15-8pm in the APR at EMC. More details to come!
  5. Home and School BINGO Night Fundraiser: EMC Bingo Night. Saturday, March 23. Event: 6-9pm at the Tylersport Fire Dept. Adults only. Check out the EMC Facebook for more details.
  6. This Month’s Newsletter: The Panther Press, February 2024
  7. Arrival and Dismissal: It is very important to us that we keep our EMC families safe. Please view this Arrival and Dismissal video as a reminder of EMC’s procedures. Thank you for your help in making our school a safe place. 
  8. Here is a link to our School Calendar this month!
  9. School Dentist Visit -Smiles Dentist will be on site at EMC on Wednesday, March 6, 2024. Visit the Smile Dentist Web site to register. Any questions please reach out to Mrs. Aldredge the school nurse 
  • EM Weekly News 23-24
  • EM weekly news