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Weekly News - August 15th, 2023

Hope you are enjoying summer vacation! 

  1. New Family Orientation: Thursday, August 17, 10-11am

All new families from Kindergarten- Grade 5 are welcome to our orientation! We will be sharing information about EMC and touring the building. Please use Sign-up Genius to RSVP.

  1. Classroom/Teacher Assignments: Friday, August 18- Families will receive an email from your child’s NEW teacher! We know students are excited to learn who their teacher will be for the 2023-24 school year.
  1. Kindergarten Orientation: Thursday, August 24, 3:45-5:00 pm- All Kindergarten students and their parents are welcome to attend. This is an opportunity for you and your child to visit the classroom, meet the teacher, and even check out a bus!
  1. First Day of School for ALL students - Tuesday, August 29, 2023.
  1. Kindergarten and First Grade Parent Volunteers- We are looking for parents to volunteer to help in the cafeteria and/or the playground for the first few weeks of school. Next week when you know your child’s teacher and homeroom number, we will send a Sign-up Genius to Kindergarten and Grade 1 parents; please consider signing up! Attached is a document with our basic cafeteria and playground rules.
  1. Arrival and Dismissal Information- Over the next two weeks you will be receiving information about our Arrival and Dismissal Procedures. Please note that School Lane is a One Way Street Monday- Friday from 7:30am-4pm. Our building opens at 8:20am, please do not arrive prior to 8:20am, there will not be supervision for your child. Dismissal for bus riders begins at 3:17pm and walkers and car riders will be dismissed from our APR doors around 3:30pm.
  1. Here is a link to our School Calendar this month! 
  • EM weekly news